Do you ever wonder other moms secrets? Like actual real beautiful day to day hard working moms? So often I see a darling one at the park and think wow, she looks so great! I wonder what she is doing so well. With that in mind I thought I’d begin a new series on ALFS – Everyday Moms. These are moms I know, moms that have been recommended to me, moms that inspire and are beautiful inside and out. Let’s peak into their lives just a bit, shall we?
Meet Andrea!
Location: Algonquin, IL
Job: Stay at home Mom
Kids: Elle (4) and Krew (2)
You’re in your closet – what do you reach for first? I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. My favorite jeans right now are Hudson’s, they have a great fit.
Hands down the one beauty product you can’t live without. Only one! Does lip moisturizer count as a beauty product? If so, I would have to say my Burt’s Bees Ultra Conditioning lip moisturizer. Also, my favorite mascara.
Your daily moisturizer. Are you happy with it? Right now I am using Rodan+Fields beauty regimens. I am very happy with my skin after almost a year of using the products!
Your nightly moisturizer. Are you happy with it? I use Rodan+Fields for my nightly moisturizer as well. There are a few of the products that I mix up for my regimen.
Something in your shopping cart online right now that you want to buy – budget is no limit. We are currently in the process of doing some touch-ups in our kitchen. I have a few backsplash options that I’m trying to decide between. I’m leaning toward the marble look.
How do you feel your beauty routine changed when you became a mom? Since becoming a mom, I have had less time for myself & my skin. My eyebrows get less attention, and I hardly ever exfoliate anymore.
Biggest indulgence you allow yourself. I try to get facials every few months, it gives me some “me” time and is refreshing for my skin.
Tell us about your kid(s). Elle is 4 and Krew is 2. They keep me laughing and are incredible kids. They are teaching me patience and helping me to not fret about the little things. I am so lucky they’re mine!
What is your biggest struggle as a mom day to day. My biggest struggle as a mom today would have to be juggling it all. It is so easy to get frustrated with ourselves when we have to shuffle kids to school, then to extra activities, then try and keep the house nice and neat (toddlers are tornadoes, you know this!), then not only have the laundry cleaned but also folded and put away. All that and a healthy meal on the table by the time my husband gets home from work (thank goodness for slow-cookers!). More often than not, things don’t get done. The laundry may sit in the bin for a day or two before it gets folded. That laundry in that bin may have been washed and re-washed a few times because it didn’t make it into the dryer in time. Dinner might be something my husband has to pick up on his way home from work (sorry, babe!), and that is okay! I have been trying to take my own advice which is what I tell my friends, “give yourself grace!” This period of time I am in with small kiddos…it’s rough. Messes are a part of life. I am trying to embrace the toys on the floor and be thankful for what I have.
What is your biggest happiness as a mom day to day. My biggest happiness would have to be the love my kids show us and others. Watching them be inclusive and kind is so heartwarming.
Snap your fingers – you could have a magic fairy help you with one thing around the home every day. What is it? My magic fairy would clean my house! I see toys scattered on the floor and things that need to get put away, but right now I’m trying to enjoy this time with my kids and not stress over the messes. Wouldn’t it be great if someone else worried about that for me?!
Because you are oh so pretty, tell us about your favorite feature! Inner beauty is what is attractive to me. My best friends would tell you that I am a great listener and I am always there for them. Other friends have complimented me on my hair. I currently use Moroccan Oil.
Thank you so much, Andrea, for sharing your time and darling family with us! Chapstick, slow cookers, facials – you are my kind of girl! I absolutely love the ‘give yourself grace’ line of thinking. Thank you for sharing that with us. What a wonderful reminder, especially in summer when days can slip away at activities and the pool and the home tasks may be neglected. Oh – and go with the marble!