It’s funny, as I increase my age in my thirties I seem to feel younger each year as opposed to older. Odd, huh?
I was chatting this over with a friend and I think the weird correlation is due to having my kids pretty darn young. Not like awkwardly young or anything, but when most people were doing a lot of growing and figuring themselves out and staying out too late and being independent I was doing mid night feedings and changing diapers and dealing with temper tantrums. I haven’t been, and don’t plan on, pregnant in five years and my baby is over four now and reaching that he can sort of hang on his own thing and what’s left here? Well, time for….mom.
It’s still way about the boys, of course, but with them increasing in age it seems that I am feeling….younger. I have actual space, mentally and physically. I’m sleeping. I have time for a run. I can get a pedicure. B isn’t permanently attached to my hip like he was for his first three years of life. There is bit more room there which all leads to mom feeling a little less mom(ish) and a bit more, well…..C.
Odd to say it but yes, I 100% feel younger at 35 than I did at 30, or even 25. I look back at photos and while that time was precious too and certainly taught me enough lessons to last a lifetime I wouldn’t wish to go back there in a second. The thirties kind of sort of rock, don’t you think? You’re old enough to know better, a lot of the times, but still pretty darn young to enjoy things even if those ‘things’ are summer bbq’s with friends that last waaaaaaaay too late into the evening with all your kids. Ahem.
Of course there is still learning to be done. Like, perhaps 1AM isn’t a good time to end said friend bbq with your kids. Noted. And the ‘no’ thing. Oh man, it’s still a struggle at times right? Knowing when to say no. I am, generally, good about this since entering my 30’s but there are still times I say ‘yes’ knowing that I will later regret it. Yet part of that is the people pleaser in me and I’m not sure it will change even well into my 80’s. And that’s ok.
Can we talk about skin for a second? This year came upon me and suddenly I’ve become obsessed with skin care. This coming from the girl that wouldn’t even wash her face at night, it’s a pretty drastic switch. If you can swing it, my new favorite night cream is Gwyneth Paltrow’s line Goop by Juice Beauty. It’s literally a blanket for your skin at night, making you baby soft in the morning. Another product I’ve mentioned before is the Kerstin Florian serum. I know there are a million serums on the market but this one was recommended to me from a 5 star spa in the city and I never turned back. Pricey, but it lasts for months. And lastly, I’m still loyal to the Origins brand. Specifically, A Perfect World day cream with SPF 25 and their Checks and Balances face wash. Love those two products so hard, they are in serious rotation around here.
And of course, let’s not leave out a little chat about clothing. Funny how your style evolves too, right? I feel like I know exactly what I will reach for over and over in my closet time and again and less frivolous choices are made. Stripes are win. Navy is a win. Easy dresses in the summer. Lulu’s in the winter. At 35 you know what you like. And then there are those fun moments. I would have never, ever, worn a top like this in my 20’s but now? Why not. The confidence thing is new and exciting.
So 35 has found me in a pretty darn good spot. With an almost 10 (!!!) year old loving life and a 4 year old finally about to start (and seriously looking forward to) school I am so excited to see what this year has in store. Happy happy mama and even more importantly I’m realizing….happy happy C.