Sigh. Is this a familiar scene for anyone?
Life with a toddler can be best summed up here. It explains why you can be at home all day and yet feel like you literally accomplished nothing. It’s so true. While I’m putting laundry away in L’s room, B is ripping apart all his legos. While I’m making our bed, he’s undone an entire roll of toilet paper in our master bath. I have that kid from the cover of ‘I’ll love you forever‘ and while I certainly love the heck out of him, the like can sometimes be iffy while he is undoing the home over and over and over again.
Even my 8 year old. I’ll find his pants in the kitchen. He’ll be in the basement for 5 minutes with his buddies and it will be completely destroyed (also the workings of his brother). Toothpaste is regularly smeared all over his bathroom sink. Heck no. I am not raising a slob. Heaven forbid someday some poor nice girl (please be nice, please be nice) enters either of my boys’ apartments and sees a disaster zone. Our home will be picked up, tidy, organized, surely welcoming and lived in, but not over run by the kids. There is a fine line, and here’s my best tips for balancing it all:
- The first floor is the grown up floor. Sure, there are fingerprints smeared on the glass doors, art work hung up, brown bear brown bear in the pile of books in the living room, and toys for the kids – but they are organized, stored away, and out of sight. We have a large trunk for our coffee table that holds eight baskets of toys so the legos, trios, magnet tiles, etc., all own their own little place in our home that is not in our view.
- Speaking of baskets, I can not stress this enough. All the toys need a place to go, otherwise you will end up with drawers and bins of just random items (AKA: my greatest nightmare). I’ve also found this concept helps the kids in their ability to clean up well. The balls go in the yellow basket, the trios go in the green box, etc. Items need a home.
- The basement. Sing it with me now… ‘let it go, let it go.’ This is my let it go room. Especially in the colder months, it will be the room that is destroyed and unorganized and chaotic. And that’s ok. Kids need a spot to play like that. My rule of thumb is the boys tidy it up each night, and once a week I spend a chunk of time organizing their ‘clean up.’ Again, make sure you have a spot for everything (we have massive bins labeled ‘instruments’, ‘cars’, ‘blocks’ – etc.). I’ve found if you put the tidy rule into effect along with your once a week organizing rule things never really get out of control.
- When my favorite living room or just picked up family room has legos and balls and batts strewn all over 5 minutes later, I take a deep breath and repeat this to myself over and over: ‘your home is not dirty, it’s messy.’ Those are two very different things. It may look awful, but when you really stop to clean it up with the boys it takes about 5 minutes.
- I only fold and put away laundry when the little one is sleeping. It just doesn’t work when he’s awake (see photo above).
- This tip took me a few years to figure out but now I can’t imagine living without it: before birthday parties and Christmas, clear out old toys. Donate them. Move some to storage, do whatever you need to do to make room for the new ones that are coming. Because if your family is anything like mine, they will be coming in abundance and you will need the free space.
- When it comes to chores, L doesn’t have a chart or allowance – it’s just expected of him to do certain things. Hang up his backpack and coat. Bring in his plate. Clothes in the laundry basket. No more smeared toothpaste. Little things like this to teach him to pick up after himself, and I don’t believe it warrants the reward of money.
- Embrace the havoc kids can bring to your home. I have marker on my bay window frame from when L was 2; B colored with marker on our stainless steel dishwasher days after pouring blue paint on our stair runner. One of the boys (I’m thinking L) slammed the door so hard into our brand new mudroom wall that there is now a hole. The marks, dents, scratches are going to happen. Just take a deep breath and tell yourself it adds character.
- I pick up toys twice a day: at nap time and before M gets home from work. In between I just go with it; otherwise I would be picking up after B all day. Before bed, we all pitch in, and go to sleep with a tidy home.
What do you think. Any good tips? Anything I’m missing? I’d so love to hear what works for you in your home. Why not share in a comment below?
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Twitter: dedastudios
You made me laugh with the basement “Let it Go” Let it Go” I am so into that. Our basement is the collect all spot!!
Debbie L. recently posted…Laundry Product Natural Recipes & Tips
Luckily my boys never really gave me a hassle when it came time to clean up. They are pretty good about it 🙂
Twitter: Apronsstilletos
My kids are older now, but we always had a designated area in the house where they could keep their toys out. The family room was our clean space
Saidah recently posted…FREE Printable Summer Vacation Planner
With 5 kids I am constantly picking up toys. What I do is make a big pile and at the end of the day they have to put them away.
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Cinderella Inspired Cookies
Twitter: hautepeople
This was such an amusing post. I do think Kids should learn to put away their Toys and other belongings after use. There is nothing wrong with that at all
Lorane recently posted…Introducing the Toledo Collection from M.A.C
I wish I had tips. We are like you… the first floor is the grown-up floor… But, they do have some toys there, but they are to be kept nicely. They have their play room that has to be cleaned every Sunday afternoon… and their bedrooms, which I would like cleaned more often, but they are pretty much a mess all the time. LOL
Twitter: LauraT_Funk
I need to remember that my home is not Dirty! It can get messy but that is definitely two very different things. thank you!
Laura Funk recently posted…Kids Spring Time Styles #SpringIntoCarters #IC #ad
Twitter: stayclosetohome
One would think it gets easier when the kids get older, just bigger toys and larger clothes and later bed times. sorry no good advice.
mariua @closetohome recently posted…Peanut Butter & Jelly Eggo Waffle Bar
Twitter: KatieMarkeyMcL
I need to start implementing the tip about cleaning out toys before birthdays and big holidays. I meant to do that before Christmas this year and didn’t—MISTAKE!
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…Go Ahead and Touch My Pregnant Belly
Twitter: _Everyday_Life_
Sounds like you got it covered. I like having baskets to organize stuff.
becca recently posted…Music Monday #Music
Twitter: ABCGP
I thought I had it all figured out with our basement playroom, and then we lost it to a flood! Now, it’s pure chaos. We’re hoping to have it fixed by next month!
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas recently posted…Calling All Wafflers: Bring On Brunch with an Easy Waffle Bar #EggoWaffleBar
Twitter: GreatKidDeals
Having a place for everything (like baskets, bins, etc) is key to staying organized and teaching kids to place their toys back where they got them from is important. I do think for those of that are “neat freaks” it’s a little harder, but just remembering that playing is learning for kids helps. I love the way you said “it’s just messy, not dirty and it can be cleaned up in 5 minutes.” So true!
Laurie – Steals and Deals for Kids recently posted…Children’s Kindle eBooks Marked Down To Only $1.99 Each!
These really are good tips-especially if you want to keep your sanity! I find I lose my mind on a daily basis when I try to keep the mess in check.
lisa recently posted…National Craft Month: Tampico Jug Bird Feeder
I used to let my kids’ bedrooms go for a while. For my son, too many toys would accumulate. For my daughter it was always clothes!
Liz Mays recently posted…Irish Sayings, Blessings and Proverbs + Free Printable St. Patrick’s Day Game
Twitter: thenewclassy
Concerning the chores, we also expect our daughter to do that as well. I agree that it’s good to teach them cleanliness.
Dawn McAlexander recently posted…March Ongoing Giveaway Linky + Directory Of Where To List Your Giveaways #linky #sweepstakes
Your patience with your kids making messes is impressive. Patience is always key when your a mom.
Stacey- Travel Blogger recently posted…Groupon Getaways: Booking and Trip Planning #MyGrouponGetaway
Picking up while the kids are napping is a great idea! That way you don’t have to worry about what they are doing while you are cleaning.
Twitter: aidajingram
I love the embrace the havoc tip, it is so easy to drive yourself crazy. You have to learn how to get over it and move on… love the pics too
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Twitter: CoupoNAdventure
We use a tote or basket in every room. Once or twice a day we pick things up and toss them into the tote. At the end of the day, they get put away.
Stacy recently posted…Whaattt? You’re Grateful for Being Homeless?
Dirty is different than messy, you’re right. I have a 7-yr old and a teen in the house…we have messy moments too.
I love it. Yes you have these tips down. Great ideas.
Debbie Denny recently posted…Mother Nature’s Got a Mean Side! Be Prepared for Emergencies!
Twitter: txtypeamom
I wish we had basements in Texas to hide stuff. No basements means everything is either put in closets or hidden in plain site. Baskets are my friend!
It seems like you have a great handle on things. It does take time to find a routine in keeping the house clean with little ones. Great tips.
Christy recently posted…Questions We Must Ask Ourselves #2: Do I Feel My Feelings?
Twitter: irishred02
I have decided to pick my battles. There are certain things I sing Let it Go to and it makes my life easier!
Ashley @irishred02 recently posted…Host a TinkerBell Birthday Party!
Twitter: bonbonrosegirls
I have more baskets than I can count. So easy for storage!!
Kristin recently posted…What’s In My Diaper Bag
I wish that my home wasn’t so messy. I feel so powerless when it is!
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