The month of December. So many joyful and festive things are jam packed into this month that, at times, it can be overwhelming to the point of it’s actually hard to enjoy. And then the whole point of the month is defeated as it just passes you by and we head into that dreaded month of January.
It’s crazy when you were a child the magic of it all. Do you remember? All the festive and merry moments just magically….appeared. And now that you’re grown you’re the one creating all those magic moments and as absolutely wonderful as it can be to see it through the eyes of your little one(s) it can also be a lot. December is a lot. A lot of good, a lot of crazy, a lot of merry and yes, at times, a lot of stress.
I found myself recently at B’s little preschool Christmas concert. He was dressed up as a snowman with the most adorable red scarf tied around his neck all the while rocking a BRIGHT orange San Francisco hat. How festive. As he belted out ‘Let it Snow’ and ‘Felis Navidad’ I, of course, enjoyed every second thoroughly but part of me was thinking ‘do I really need to come to the second performance of this?’ There are presents to wrap and cookies to bake and gifts to hand out and grocery shopping to complete….and so on and so forth.
And then I caught myself. It’s amazing how priorities can go askew, isn’t it? The whole point of the month is that singing little felt snowman. It’s a moment that is so fleeting that if I blinked it could have been missed, never to return. Because just like that he will turn four, and then five, six, seven. There will always be a to do list, especially in December, but he’s only three at Christmas just this one teeny tiny little time.
So while we wrap up these last few days of prep before the big day my hope is that you’re clinging to your own little singing snowman moments. Hearing my nine year old (that is the size of an eleven pushing twelve year old) barrel down the stairs in search for the elf each and every morning. ‘Mom!! I found him!!‘ Hearing B comment on every. single. home. we pass by that is decorated with lights ‘ooooooohhhhhh mom, loooooooook at that one.’ Hot coffee – lots of hot coffee – in a Christmas mug, your Dad sharing his passion through song at his church concert, joy filled Christmas cards arriving day in and day out filled with photos of dear friends and family. Christmas crack.
Finding those moments amongst the December chaos is what it’s actually all about. Even when it may be challenging, I’m choosing to focus on those things to keep my heart light. The rest, with a bit of work, will fall into place. I’m sure of that.
From my family to yours, I hope you have the most wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas!
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Yep, it goes by so fast Courtney! Love the picture of him as a snowman – you know I have a thing for snowmen. 😀
Merry Christmas!!
Biz recently posted…Happy 15th Anniversary Tony!
Merry Christmas Courtney! Have so much fun this weekend!
Tia G. recently posted…Merry Christmas
Twitter: charminglyuncmp
This is so sweet and so importantly true! Merry Christmas!!