A few weeks back, I wrote about my morning skin care routine and I got a lot of interest so I thought I would walk through my night time routine. Again, making my skin a priority was apart of the whole self care focus for 2017 and I am happy to report that I am doing this routine 99% of the time. Yippee! A huge change for me was this: I wash up when the kids are washing up for bedtime, so 8:00ish. Then I go down and watch my shows, clean up the kitchen, blog, whatever. In the past I was waiting until I was ready to sleep (10:00) and totally skipping washing up because I was too tired. This has been the biggest success for my skin this year hands down. Give it a try.
Alright though, the products! Let’s discuss. Here is my line up, and I would so love to hear what works for you.
To begin, I wash my face with the same face wash as the morning: Origins Checks & Balances. I love this stuff, a little goes a long way.
Next I slather on my moisturizer. Again, a million on the market, right? Origins has been very good to my skin so I’m sticking by it: Origins Night-A-Mins. Super cute name, super delicious scent, my skin stays soft and smooth, all for a great price. No complaints, no need to ever change. I’ll be using this when I’m 80.
A newer part of the whole skin care routine, now I apply my Rodan+Fields eye cream. Same one as the morning I’m hopeful this cream is working all night to magically make me look 25 again. Hey, one can hope right?
Then I take a break. Head downstairs to Netflix, blog, pack lunches, whatever the night may hold. I like to give these products some time to sink in and do their thing.
Then, it’s bedtime. Unless I’m out or we are entertaining on the late side (rare), I’m in bed by 10:00PM. I am a huge fan of sleep and without it I am the devil. I also think it benefits my skin to get some zzzz’s. Definitely can’t hurt! So right before laying down I slather on some Josie Maran Argan Oil. Feel so luxurious and special and my skin wakes up baby soft. And of course, C.O. Bigelow’s Night Balm on the lips. I would die without this stuff.
And that’s it! I truly believe that adequate sleep, drinking a lot of water, and using these products consistently have truly made an impact on my skin this year. Feels good to take care of yourself, don’t you think?