Do you ever wonder other moms secrets? Like actual real beautiful day to day hard working moms? So often I see a darling one at the park and think wow, she looks so great! I wonder what she is doing so well. With that in mind I thought I’d begin a new series on A Life From Scratch: Everyday Moms. These are moms I know, moms who have been recommended to me, moms who inspire and are beautiful inside and out. Let’s peek into their lives just a bit, shall we?
Meet Jen!
Location: Hawthorn Woods, IL
Job: Global Meeting Manager for Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Kids: London (5 & 1/2), Harper (almost 4) and Cash (15 months)
You’re in your closet – what do you reach for first? Underwear.
Hands down the one beauty product you can’t live without. Only one! Hair conditioner.
Your daily moisturizer. Are you happy with it? Yes, love it. I use Rodan and Fields products. I am lucky enough to have a friend that works at a high level in their corporate offices in San Francisco so she always sends me all the latest and greatest products. It’s like Christmas every time she sends me a package!
Your nightly moisturizer. Are you happy with it? Yes, see above.
Something in your shopping cart online right now that you want to buy – budget is no limit. Tom’s wedge shoes.
How do you feel your beauty routine changed when you became a mom? I’m a stickler for my nighttime routine. Years of ignoring my skin while in college has done serious damage and I’m not getting any younger. I learned my lesson and make sure I wash off the days makeup and apply moisturizer every night. Brush teeth, floss, etc. The morning routine is not as strict. I used to wash my hair and shave my legs every day. Now, it’s every other day – at best.
Biggest indulgence you allow yourself. Wine. Lots of red wine.
Tell us about your kid(s). My kids are my life. They make me smile every day and I am in awe of them. London is 5 ½ going on 18. She loves dance and princesses and putting on makeup. Harper is nearly 4 years old and a free spirit. She loves to laugh and joke. Cash is 15 months old and ALL BOY. I had no idea boys were so rough and tumble. They are all so different but the most loving, snuggly kids ever!
What is your biggest struggle as a mom day to day? My biggest struggle is getting it all done. I work full time and travel a lot for work. I make sure I spend the evening fully dedicated to the kids and then after they go to bed, I do the other stuff. It’s easy to get completely overwhelmed. Sometimes I just have to take a deep breath and realize I can‘t do it all. The laundry will just have to wait.
What is your biggest happiness as a mom day to day? My biggest happiness is the love the kids bring me. We give a lot of hugs, kisses and snuggles in our family. They always jump in on the hug I give daddy when I get home from work. They just want to be part of that love and that is everything to me. There is enough to go around!
Snap your fingers – you could have a magic fairy help you with one thing around the home every day. What is it? Cleaning. I hate a dirty house but I hate wasting time on cleaning when I could be hanging out with my family. It’s a very tough balance and usually the kids win. Dirty dishes can wait.
Because you are oh so pretty, tell us about your favorite feature! My hair. It’s long and thick, which takes me a little extra time in the morning but I can pull it in a stylish bun or pony tail on those non hair wash days, or wear it long and straight or curly. It’s so versatile and surprisingly easy to manage.
Thank you, pretty Jen! So loved our shared interests of summer time fun and, of course, red wine. Your family is not only darling, but sweet as pie. Thank you for sharing them with ALFS.
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Twitter: juliecarani
Yay Jen! You remind me of me 😉 I hear a lot about you and look forward to crossing paths… ps I agree, the laundry and cleaning can wait! Life’s all about the snuggles…