7 things I have found inspiring on vacation so far – some food related, some not:
1. L’s hair. How come he gets super adorable awesome waves and I get lion’s mane? I’ve learned to just go with it but honestly, it’s out of control.
2. Strawberries that taste like strawberries. And tomatoes that taste like tomatoes. I really missed those.
3. A tree bursting with puffy yellow flowers. Reminder, I need to incorporate lemon into more of my baking. I LOVE lemon.
4. Freckles.
5. Pineapple sconces. I want pineapple sconces. Ok, on the cape cod it would look odd…pineapple upside down cake? Not really my style. I’ll get there…
6. L’s smile. He is literally frolicking around he is so happy here.
7. Fresh caught fish on the grill. The opportunities are ENDLESS. I mastered the mango salsa last summer as a great compliment to grilled fish – I will need to discover a new ‘sidekick’ this year.
I had quite a few amazing views while compiling this list – the ocean, the patio at the country club, the fresh farm stands. All so beautiful and inspiring to me. Below please find some of my favorite snap shots. It’s interesting to me to see what you can find when you really look around.
Back to the kitchen tomorrow!
P.S. The other evening I was enjoying a glass of sauvignon blanc on the patio and a waiter came up to me and asked if I’d like to try one of their homemade cookies. Ummmm……YEA! That’s like asking a 3 year old whose pacifier is being taking away if he/she would like it back. I didn’t have the highest expectations for this particular cookie, as I have a pretty high bar set. It proved me wrong, instantly, and I was quickly knocked off my high horse. Now the remainder of the trip will be stalking the country club for the talented baker that made this cookie: <