Whew! A whirlwind weekend of a fantastic family party (thanks, Becca!), two football games, and a PARTAY for our big 8 year old! Serious fun all around.
And now it’s time to plan – yep, 20 minutes! Who is with me? Here is our kitchen line up for the week, if it helps:
Sometimes it’s just about comfort and on Monday, a homemade chicken noodle soup does just that. Bonus that I can eat it at dinner time and M can heat up a bowl when he lands late from Connecticut.
I heart chicken thighs, I heart smoked paprika, and I heart one pot meals. Oh yea – totally making this one forTuesday night. Can’t wait.
Wednesday is football night, which means quick cooking and/or leftovers. In this case I’ll grab a loaf of fresh bread and serve up the chicken noodle soup again.
This one dish skillet sausage gets rave reviews amongst my friends. Add some baked naan courtesy of Trader Joe’s, and you are good to go for Thursday night.
Ah, Friday – you’re the best! Having some Lake Geneva buddies over and haven’t fully decided what I’m making but this is a top contender.
So tell me, what is on your menu plan for this week?