Alright ladies. Time to back off here. That’s right, please leave A Life From Scratch but forward your man this link first. Seriously, trust me. I’ve got it covered, my friend.
Men? Listen up. You’ve got about three weeks until Mother’s Day. For your calendars, it’s on Sunday May 8th. Put it in your phone right now, you know, just incase.
Alright, good. We’ve got the date down. Next up the plan. If she’s a brunching type I suggest calling soon and by soon I mean now. Just do it, then it’s done! And volia, she can wake up on Mother’s Day (again, Sunday May 8th) and you can be all like ‘oh I made the reservation weeks ago’ and she will swoon at your every word and all will be right in the world.
Well, almost all. The gift. You need to buy her a gift. A nice, thoughtful, warm, feminine gift. The kind that says you are seriously the best mom that was ever in the world ever because, well, in a job that is pretty unrewarding in terms of the sense of feeling accomplished day to day it can mean oh so much to hear it from you. Trust me, it does.
So we’ve got the date. We’ve got brunch. And it’s time to buy the gift. If you need some ideas, I’ve lined up some really nice ones. Any of these would bring a huge smile to my face that Sunday morning. (Well, that and not having the children wake me up. Just another little tip).
Let’s get to it!
- This is the gift your wife never knew she always wanted. I was so late in jumping on the Clarisonic wagon (not sure why) but after M gifted me one I am officially hooked FOREVER. Life changing for her skin.
- Does she have an Alex and Ani collection going? Add to it with the ‘mom’ bracelet. If she doesn’t have a collection start her one because they are pretty darn amazing. You can get her initial, or even the kid(s) birthstone(s). These make an awesome gift and are so budget friendly!
- Oh so pretty and feminine! Give these soap rose petals to her with a note that she gets an hour to herself in the tub. Priceless.
- For the sports moms, how darling is this? Her son’s initials on a little baseball and his number attached as well. I so love this. Hint hint.
- This classic tote never, ever, goes out of style. Make it even better by monogramming her initials. Such a great gift for all she has to tote with her for the kids throughout the day.
- Sums it up well. Breakfast in bed with coffee in this mug would be dreamy.
- It’s peony season! Grab a few and put them in a pretty vase just like this one and have the little ones bring to her nightstand in the morning. Killer.
- This pretty water bottle not only keeps her hydrated but she can also add fruit and herbs to it to make it all the more refreshing.
So there you have it guys! What are you waiting for? Go ahead, make her day.