Do you ever wonder other moms secrets? Like actual real beautiful day to day hard working moms? So often I see a darling one at the park and think wow, she looks so great! I wonder what she is doing so well. With that in mind I thought I’d begin a new series on ALFS – Everyday Moms. These are moms I know, moms that have been recommended to me, moms that inspire and are beautiful inside and out. Let’s peak into their lives just a bit, shall we?
Meet Catherine!
Location: Deer Park, IL
Job: Pharmaceutical Sales Representative for Glaxo Smith Kline
Kids: William (10) & Henry (8)
You’re in your closet – what do you reach for first? White top (usually J Crew or Gap)
Hands down the one beauty product you can’t live without. Only one! Lip Gloss (currently wearing Mac Dreamy)
Your daily moisturizer. Are you happy with it? I am not a dedicated product user as I typically change when done with a bottle, however I’ve been using Kakadu C serum for a year and love it. Im also currently trying Mary Kay TimeWise moisturizer over it (friend asked me to try). So far I like it.
Your nightly moisturizer. Are you happy with it? Mary Kay TimeWise night lotion, still not sure if I love it.
Something in your shopping cart online right now that you want to buy – budget is no limit. Tennis outfits for summer, loved everything the pros were wearing for the last tournament.
How do you feel your beauty routine changed when you became a mom? Everything has to be simpler but I wear more concealer, since I always look tired of course. My favorite is Bobby Brown Intensive skin serum concealer.
Biggest indulgence you allow yourself. Facials! I love clean pores and the feeling of being pampered for a full hour uninterrupted.
Tell us about your kid(s). I have two awesome boys, William (10) and Henry (8). My oldest is a serious rule follower, and my little one is a funny anything goes kinda kid. They are both serious hockey players and golfers, but like every sport that comes their way.
What is your biggest struggle as a mom day to day. Getting them to listen to me the first time, actually even the second and third. Funny, but frustrating!
What is your biggest happiness as a mom day to day. Everything!! Especially hugs and kisses, lots and lots of hugs and cuddles. My biggest joy is how much they love each other, best buddies.
Snap your fingers – you could have a magic fairy help you with one thing around the home every day. What is it? I’m lucky enough to have a nanny who does laundry and tidy the house, but night time clean up would be such a great fairy!
Because you are oh so pretty, tell us about your favorite feature! Tough one, nothing physical. It would my loyalty to my friends. Love your blog my dear friend!
As I love to call myself a good friend of Catherine’s, I could not agree more with her last words. A ‘girls girl’ at heart, this one has taught me so much about what it means to be a wonderful girlfriend. And yet, she also just happens to be beautiful with great skin and hair and style and the list goes on and on. Thank you, Catherine, for sharing your wonderful family and time with us. I’m so happy I know you in real life! (And thank you for finally doing this after I nagged you for months on end).